by Paul Chaffee
Institutional Stories– Between Church & State – For Our Kids’ Sake – Gifts of the Spirit
by Paul Chaffee
Institutional Stories– Between Church & State – For Our Kids’ Sake – Gifts of the Spirit
by David Callaway and Hannah Santos
Long-time advocates of religious freedom paused when Eddie Castillo successfully used the First Amendment to wear a pasta strainer on his head for his license photo. Castillo, a Pastafarian, argued the…
by Emina Frljak
Many would say hate speech is just words…but words can hurt, and words can and do turn into action. From “harmless” hate speech, come hate crimes. There are sadly many examples of hate speech…
by Don Frew
A year into my public information work, I saw notice of a conference called “Deception & Discernment: Exposing the Dangers of the Occult.” I thought I should attend and see…
by Dr. Charles Ian McNeill
As the impacts of climate change intensify in plain sight on every continent, the United Nations Environmental Programme’s “Emissions Gap Report 2022,” released just…
by Rabbi Anson Laytner
For over a thousand years, there has been a Jewish community in Kaifeng, China, making it one of the most long-lived continuous Jewish communities in the world. Never more than…
by Jacob K. Olupona
1. African traditional religion refers to the indigenous or autochthonous religions of the African people. It deals with their cosmology, ritual practices, symbols, arts, society, and…
by Vicki Garlock
The interfaith movement is all about bringing people together. Most of the time we focus on adults, and social justice issues. Don’t get me wrong. I fully support any and all…
Header Photo: Unsplash
In the two years we’ve been gone, the challenge in developing interfaith relations has received a body blow through the accelerating corruption of language and communication…
by Paul Chaffee
Interfaith News Notes – Climate – The Critical Issue – Religion & Government– The Christian Nationalism Scandal – New Resources – In Memoriam
News from Around the World – Christians in the United States – For the Sake of the Family – Great Good News – In Memoriam
Join CEIE's virtual Winter Workshop Series on the Art of Spiritual Direction (Jan. 19, Feb. 16, & March 16, 2023)
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Blog
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Podcast
The Next Parliament: August 14-18, 2023 in Chicago, IL
A Religious Response to Violence
Our Muslime Neighbor Initiative
Interview with Henry Yampolsky
Practicing Spirituality with Native Americans
Practicing Spirituality at Work
Announcing URI's New Executive Director: Jerry White
by Paul Chaffee
Christians, by the Numbers – Muslims in the News – Interfaith Complexities – Paying Attention to Right-wing Christians – Religicide – What’s Possible … What to Consider
by Paul Chaffee
Women Finally Welcome – Church & State – The Dark Side of Religion – Interfaith Solutions – Heads Up!
by Paul Chaffee
Calling Out the Media – Troubled Waters – Hopeful Signs– Again, of course, Climate – Whose Human Rights? – By the Numbers – Finally …
by Paul Chaffee
Interfaith News Notes – Climate – The Critical Issue – Religion & Government– The Christian Nationalism Scandal – New Resources – In Memoriam
by Paul Chaffee
Unexpected Stories – The Big Issue, as Usual – Indigenous Spirituality, Indigenous Land – “Why Do the Nations Rage?”– Getting to Know Each Other – Resources
by Paul Chaffee
Religion & Governance – Empowering a Climate Agenda – Education – What Works, and What Doesn’t – Inside Religious Communities – Around the The Globe – Happy Endings
by Tarunjit Singh Butalia
On August 20-23, 2019 I was on a weeklong, exciting and inspirational visit to Lindau, Germany to participate in the 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace. I was one of a five-member delegation from…
A TIO Report
Last month 28 interfaith leaders from across North America gathered in Boulder City, Nevada to talk about rejuvenating the 31-year-old network. Newcomers who thrive on grassroots…
by Parker Palmer and Carrie Newcomer
All around us worlds are dying and new worlds are being born; all around us life is dying and life is being born. The fruit ripens on the tree, the roots are silently…
by Vicki Garlock
Our children are growing up in the most globalized world humans have ever known. While a globalized society might feel new to many of us, it’s important to…
by jem Jebbia
I catch the hissing cat and quickly toss it to the person next to me. “Hiss!” Someone gently underhands the cranky baby across the room. “Wahhh!” “Woosh!” The sound of a…
by Anneke Kat
When I interviewed for my current position with Interfaith Philadelphia, the search committee was curious to know how interfaith works fit into my professional path. Until that point…
A TIO Interview
Dr. Wilson is director of St Philip’s Centre in Leicester, UK, providing training and consultancy on interfaith issues for a wide range of local and national bodies.
by Frank Fredericks
It’s pay day. The bills are due. The fundraiser flopped, the ask unanswered. Donations are diminishing and expected grants taken for granted. Program associates are…
by Ariella Amit
As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed a few years ago, I came across a post encouraging Los Angeles youth to apply for membership on an Interfaith Council.
by Chris Alexander
I am a Christian pastor participating in an interfaith conversation with Muslims and Jews; I represent a Christian partner congregation within the Tri-Faith Initiative, located in Omaha, Nebraska.
by Sherry Fohr
One of the most powerful demonstrations of interfaith solidarity through social media in recent years came during the Standing Rock protests in 2016. This protest was part of the interfaith indigenous…
by Paul Chaffee
The digital tools that began raining down back in the eighties have been an enormous boon to religion and multifaith organizations and how we communicate.
Header Photo: Unsplash
What does it take to create and nurture healthy interfaith culture? Good intentions and an open heart are surely necessary.
News from Around the World – Christians in the United States – For the Sake of the Family – Great Good News – In Memoriam
February 1-7, 2020: A Grand Adventure of Spirit and Harmony in the Holy Land
Faiths Together for the Future by Marcus Braybrooke
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Blog
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Podcast
We are not all the same, and in our difference, we are divine
Religica Spotlight: We All Have Special Needs - Are You Ready?
10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace
Living Your Legacy: Seeds, Blossoms, Fruits - 2019
URI News from Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, DRC, and South Sudan
Notes From a Working Visit to Brazil
by Mirabai Starr
Here in the mountains of northern New Mexico where I have spent most of life, the winter solstice season is marked by fire. During Advent, families and businesses fill small paper bags with…
by William E. Swing
Starting in 1983, I have done what I could to respond to the existence and threat of nuclear weapons. Read books and relevant news, watched movies and TV documentaries, written articles…
by Philip Goldberg
As growing numbers of Americans know, the Hindu tradition delineates four basic pathways to spiritual liberation, expressed as four types of yoga: jnana yoga, the path of mental discernment; karma yoga, the…
by Rachael Watcher
Doctrine – the codification of beliefs, teachings, and practices – is an important element for established institutional religions. It clarifies what a religion expects of its followers, how to behave…
by Adeola Fearon
Spirituality, a sense of something more, its magnetic. You’re drawn to every sensation before there is consciousness of what it is, what to call it, or how to explain it.
by Ed Bastian
For fifteen years I have worked closely with more than 50 meditation teachers from Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Native American traditions. This began for me by participating…
by Ruth Broyde Sharone
I am writing these words during the Ten Days of Awe, the period between Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. As Jews, we are called upon to undertake a most…
by Theodore Richards
Amid the rising seas, burning forests, and superstorms, with inequality and fascism threatening just and democratic societies, ours is an age of denial, fear, and, above all else, loneliness. In a word, it is an age that…
by Mimi Tohill
In times of fear and violence such as these and those we fear ahead, some use “thoughts and prayers” as a scapegoat, others as an escape from worldly obligations. Yet spirituality, grounded in…
by Sam Allen
There are some things that are sacred in every person’s life. Agnostic or Apostolic, we all maintain and create containers in which each of us dives deep or soars beyond reach. No matter what our beliefs, as human beings…
Header Photo: Unsplash
by Paul Chaffee, Editor
Hundreds of thousands of pages have been written detailing the history and doctrines of our particular religious traditions, most of them demonstrating how different we are from each other.
Of the Earth – Evolution of the Roman Catholic Church – As the World Turns – Great Good News – In Memoriam
Interfaith Bridges Research Project: Invitation to Participate
Religica Delves Deep into the Climate Crisis
Golden Rule Day 2020: Call for Video Submissions
Decolonizing Religious Diversity
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Blog
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Podcast
We Are Not All The Same and in Our Difference We Are Divine
A Powerful Vision for Interfaith Cooperation: The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative
Religica Spotlight: We All Have Special Needs - Are You Ready?
Wild Souls: Why Humans and Wilderness Need Each Other
10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace
URI North India & Afghanistan - Celebrating Peace
Our Diversity Matters: Our Ongoing Peace Project in Cameroon
News from Around the World – Christians in the United States – For the Sake of the Family – Great Good News – In Memoriam
by Katherine Marshall
The 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace was held last month at in Lindau, Germany on Lake Constance. This was a large and diverse gathering, 900 participants from 125 countries…
by Paul Chaffee
August 2019 should go down in interfaith annals as a milestone, a month when a quiet, mostly unnoticed development emerged that could exponentially magnify…
by Dawn Anahid MacKeen
The following is a chapter from MacKeen’s book recounting how she finally meets the descendants of Sheikh Hammud al-Aekleh, whose family welcomed in her grandfather, saving his life. Some members of the family that greeted her in 2007 today are Syrian refugees themselves.
by Thomas Bonacci
Several years ago I joined a small group of concerned people responding to a growing interest in appreciating and respecting the faith traditions of humankind.
by Paul Andrews
Why did I go? Well, to begin with, I didn’t go to Temple Emmanuel to change religions. I went there to pray to You, to talk to You. Not my image or even my religion’s image of You, but You.
by Chris Stedman
As an interfaith activist, I’ve worked to bring an end to religious division. In recent years, this has increasingly meant speaking out against the rise in anti-Muslim rhetoric and violence sweeping America.
by Don Frew
A year into my public information work, I saw notice of a conference called “Deception & Discernment: Exposing the Dangers of the Occult.” I thought I should attend and see what ‘the other side’ was up to.
by Catherine Orsborn & Kevin Singer
We sat at a picnic table in a backyard in Raleigh, North Carolina last month and listened to Teddy, a young evangelical Christian, share his story of how…
by Tarunjit Singh Butalia
Many who have had the opportunity to attend a Langar (a Sikh word for “open kitchen) surely have fond memories of the incredible hospitality we experienced.
by Ruth Broyde Sharone
Many years ago, when I was a young journalist in my 20s, traveling solo in Latin America, I spent eighteen months in nineteen countries and visited 54 cities.
by Bettina Gray and Paul Andrews
Periodically TIO profiles seasoned leaders who have made critical contributions to a developing interfaith culture but are unknown to most people. Rev. P. Gerard O’Rourke is one such pioneer.
Header Photo: Unsplash
by Paul Chaffee, Editor
Eight years ago, on September 15, 2011, TIO was launched. That makes this the 89th monthly issue. (We skip August.) Since then this publication has featured more than 1,000 interfaith stories along with…
The Big Picture – Religion, Politics, and the Law – Interfaith Digs Deeper – New Role for an Interfaith Veteran
October 6, 2019: Film Explores the Spiritual Journeys of American Millennials
March 17-21, 2020: Religion Communication Congress on Communicating Faith in the Public Square
Tools for Supporting Asylum Seekers and Refugees
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Blog
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Podcast
The Three Pillars of the Activist Theology Project
A Powerful Vision for Interfaith Cooperation: The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative
Religica Spotlight: We All Have Special Needs - Are You Ready?
Teaching Children to Cope in Angry Times
10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace
The Spirituality of St. Francis
Russia Today - Building Bridges - Blog Series
Interfaith Youth Camp Brings Together Teenagers from Bulgaria and the Netherlands
Of the Earth – Evolution of the Roman Catholic Church – As the World Turns – Great Good News – In Memoriam
by Katherine Marshall
Increased extreme weather disasters are an expected long-term effect of climate change. Already, changes occurring globally have increased the intensity and duration of heat waves, risks of drought, flooding….
by Paul Chaffee
Starting August 6, 1969, Hurricane Camille whipped across Cuba, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and the East Coast of the United States for eight days with winds up to 174 miles per hour.
by Martin J. Smith
The most critical relief efforts after a disastrous hurricane or earthquake involve getting food, water, and power to those in need. But a recent study by a Stanford Graduate School of Business professor suggests that…
by Silvana Faillace
When the ground shook on that September afternoon in 2018, it was only the beginning. After a few hours of small quakes, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck Central Sulawesi in the early evening.
by Tarunjit Singh Butalia
Long before the formation of the Red Cross, there was Bhai Kanhaiya – an ardent Sikh follower of the Tenth Sikh Guru, Siri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib. He took it upon himself to roam battlefields carrying a goat skin pouch…
by Susan L. Lipson
Since the shooting at Chabad of Poway, people of all faiths, from across the county, have rallied together for vigils and services to support their Jewish neighbors. Over 4,000 people showed up Monday night at Poway High School for…
by Uroosa Jawed
Crisis response is typically not the primary work of interfaith organizations. Their more usual focus is creating meaningful connections between people of diverse faiths. Tri-Faith Initiative in Omaha, Nebraska, where…
by Philip Goldberg
I was hit surprisingly hard by the images of Notre-Dame cathedral burning. I got so emotional watching the spire collapse and the red flames engulf the roof; it was as if something dear to me was being destroyed.
A TIO Report
Another natural disaster. Another shooting. Another hate crime. Another humanitarian crisis. These disasters are all too common. We see them daily – on social media, in the news, on the web.
Header Photo: Unsplash
by Paul Chaffee, Editor
The most important shift in the world of disaster response today relates to our communication capabilities.
Startling International Developments – Discouraging Religious Numbers in the West – Encouraging News – From Rome – Training to Become a Religious/Spiritual Leader – Concerning the Earth – URI Returns to Stanford
One Planet, ONe Family: Gathering on Climate Change in Juneau, Alaska, September 12-15
Addressing the Pressing Issues of Our Time: Global Week for Peace, Climate Protection, SDG's, Nuclear Abolition, September 21-26
What Do Your Stones Say About You?
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Blog
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Podcast
Women and the Criminal Justice System
Peace, People, and Planet: Interfaith Commitments from the G20 Interfaith Forum
Religica Spotlight: Women in Leadership
What it Means to Live for the Future
Religious violence is on the rise. What can faith-based communities do about it?
Interview with Radhanath Swami
Contemplative Photographers Practice Group - Year 5
The Accelerate Peace Conference
Call for Entries: Smartphone Short Film Festival
The Big Picture – Religion, Politics, and the Law – Interfaith Digs Deeper – New Role for an Interfaith Veteran
by Nancy Fuchs Kreimer
A friend of mine took a course in fiction writing and was advised that a good novel needed a plot with a tension at its heart: a problem that would keep the reader engaged until its resolution at the book’s end.
by Katherine Marshall
Blaming God’s righteous judgment when people suffer disaster goes back at least to Noah. God causes the flood, the story-teller notes, because “the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence” (Gen. 6:11).
A TIO Report
Another natural disaster. Another shooting. Another hate crime. Another humanitarian crisis. These disasters are all too common. We see them daily – on social media, in the news, on the web.
by Peter B. Gudaitis and Brie Loskota
People of faith, congregations and faith-based organization provide essential relief and recovery functions after disasters. It is essential for government personnel and institutions, therefore, to understand the potential…
by Lawrence Lerner
On March 15th, 2019 a shooter used the Facebook social media platform to broadcast the massacre of 50 Muslim worshippers in Christchurch, New Zealand. How do I write about hate without honoring it?
by Adrian Bird
Interfaith Partners of South Carolina (IPSC) was one of 57 recipients of the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award for 2018. At the award ceremony in Washington D.C., Director Christopher Wary stated:
by Syed M. Hassan
Since its founding more than 25 years ago, Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) has made a concerted effort to develop productive relationships with other faith-based groups and non-governmental organizations.
by Cody Nielsen
Last month, I sat alone in the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center at Pennsylvania State College. I sat and cried for all the senseless acts of violence against Muslim, Christian, and Jewish communities across the nation and world…
by Ruth Broyde Sharone
On Sunday, September 10, 2006, a day before the fifth-and-still-painful anniversary of 9/11, a group of some 75 angry demonstrators showed up – with a city permit – outside the King Fahad Mosque of Culver City…
by Yonatan Neril
The Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison tells the following story: A young girl with a bird in her hands went to a wise person. The child asked the wise person, “Is the bird in my hands alive or dead?”
Header Photo: Unsplash
by Paul Chaffee
Safety is already on the agenda of most of the hundreds of interfaith nonprofits across the US and globally.
All About Religious Freedom and Violence – Catholic Problems Pile Up – Good Things Happening
Religious Accommodations and Policies on Campus
BAIC — Bay Area Interfaith Connect
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Blog
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Podcast
ICNY's Hanadi Doleh speaks at Post Eid ul-Fitr Celebration
The Faith and Climate Webinar Series
Accelerating Peace for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
Religica Spotlight: Women in Leadership
The Violent Past is the Violent Present
Religious violence is on the rise. What can faith-based communities do about it?
Interview with Gurvinder Singh
URI Member Action on Disaster Flood Relief in Kerala
Startling International Developments – Discouraging Religious Numbers in the West – Encouraging News – From Rome – Training to Become a Religious/Spiritual Leader – Concerning the Earth – URI Returns to Stanford
by Brian Carwana
We live in a time when seemingly difficult conversations – including around race, gender, and sexual orientation – have become an important part of the public discourse. However, one arena, central to…