A TIO Report
Report from Nairobi
Report by Henry Neondo, Africa Science News

The African Regional Director of the United Nations’ Environment Programme’s Office for Africa, Mr. Mounkaila Goumandakoye, confessed in Nairobi Tuesday that the global community has not succeeded in reversing some of the trends of the environmental degradation because the world has failed to look at the issues through the lenses of spirituality, morality, and faith.
Addressing participants at the ongoing Alliance of Religions and Conservation conference in Nairobi, Mr. Goumandakoye said “the responsibility taken by the faith groups and their long-term commitments for a living planet will help shape the beliefs, behavior and actions for a greener and better Africa and the world.”
He said this commitment by the faith groups in environment conservation for human well-being are among the driving forces for positive change as humanity is grappling with challenges of colossal consequences.
Mr. Goumandakoye disclosed that many scientists now agree that the world has entered a new geologic time, the Anthropocene era, that is characterized by human deep alteration of earth, by massive impact on the planet.