Reconciling Science and Faith
by Paul Chaffee
In the video below, Michael Dowd tells of being moved to tears and finding his life transformed following an experience in which his understanding and experience of science and religion finally made peace. As a minister ordained in the United Church of Christ, he has been sharing the insight and power of that experience ever since to both religious and secular communities across the country, becoming known as the “evolutionary evangelist.”
In the vast arena of ‘science and religion’ Dowd stands on the shoulders of a host of scientists and theologians who have wrestled with these issues in the past. But he is a master teacher and has mastered digital communications. So his passion for his subject has been a significant influence in the lives of many thousands of clergy, scientists, laypeople, and students, believers and atheists, opening up arenas that continue to transform our understanding of science and how it can contribute to our lives. To find all sorts online resources, start out at two of Michael’s websites, Thank God for Evolution and Evolving Faith.
In the video below, produced by New Hampshire Public Television, Michael talks about how science has renewed and enriched him as a Christian. But, it becomes clear, his message is equally resonant for those from other religions or none.