by Samira Barucija
War is injustice made to humans and injustice made to God. It has been 24 years since the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ended. Some might expect that the…
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by Samira Barucija
War is injustice made to humans and injustice made to God. It has been 24 years since the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ended. Some might expect that the…
by Satpal Singh
As we celebrate the 550th anniversary of Guru Nanak’s birth, the founder of the Sikh faith, his message is as relevant today – if not more so – as it was centuries ago.
What does it take to create and nurture healthy interfaith culture? Good intentions and an open heart are surely necessary.
by Tarunjit Singh Butalia
On August 20-23, 2019 I was on a weeklong, exciting and inspirational visit to Lindau, Germany to participate in the 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace. I was one of a five-member delegation from…
A TIO Report
Last month 28 interfaith leaders from across North America gathered in Boulder City, Nevada to talk about rejuvenating the 31-year-old network. Newcomers who thrive on grassroots…
by Parker Palmer and Carrie Newcomer
All around us worlds are dying and new worlds are being born; all around us life is dying and life is being born. The fruit ripens on the tree, the roots are silently…
by Vicki Garlock
Our children are growing up in the most globalized world humans have ever known. While a globalized society might feel new to many of us, it’s important to…
by jem Jebbia
I catch the hissing cat and quickly toss it to the person next to me. “Hiss!” Someone gently underhands the cranky baby across the room. “Wahhh!” “Woosh!” The sound of a…
by Anneke Kat
When I interviewed for my current position with Interfaith Philadelphia, the search committee was curious to know how interfaith works fit into my professional path. Until that point…
A TIO Interview
Dr. Wilson is director of St Philip’s Centre in Leicester, UK, providing training and consultancy on interfaith issues for a wide range of local and national bodies.
by Frank Fredericks
It’s pay day. The bills are due. The fundraiser flopped, the ask unanswered. Donations are diminishing and expected grants taken for granted. Program associates are…
by Ariella Amit
As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed a few years ago, I came across a post encouraging Los Angeles youth to apply for membership on an Interfaith Council.
by Chris Alexander
I am a Christian pastor participating in an interfaith conversation with Muslims and Jews; I represent a Christian partner congregation within the Tri-Faith Initiative, located in Omaha, Nebraska.
by Sherry Fohr
One of the most powerful demonstrations of interfaith solidarity through social media in recent years came during the Standing Rock protests in 2016. This protest was part of the interfaith indigenous…
by Paul Chaffee
The digital tools that began raining down back in the eighties have been an enormous boon to religion and multifaith organizations and how we communicate.
by Paul Chaffee, Editor
Hundreds of thousands of pages have been written detailing the history and doctrines of our particular religious traditions, most of them demonstrating how different we are from each other.
by Mirabai Starr
Here in the mountains of northern New Mexico where I have spent most of life, the winter solstice season is marked by fire. During Advent, families and businesses fill small paper bags with…
by William E. Swing
Starting in 1983, I have done what I could to respond to the existence and threat of nuclear weapons. Read books and relevant news, watched movies and TV documentaries, written articles…
by Philip Goldberg
As growing numbers of Americans know, the Hindu tradition delineates four basic pathways to spiritual liberation, expressed as four types of yoga: jnana yoga, the path of mental discernment; karma yoga, the…
by Rachael Watcher
Doctrine – the codification of beliefs, teachings, and practices – is an important element for established institutional religions. It clarifies what a religion expects of its followers, how to behave…