Exploring Interreligious Relations and Interfaith Culture
Spring 2023
Seeking the Blessed Community
by Kathe Schaft and Kay Lindahl
We can’t help but notice that the world seems to have suddenly ‘discovered’ the value of women. After thousands of years living in the shadow of the masculine, after being pushed into the margins…
featuring Manulani Aluli Meyer & Indrajit Gunasekara
This special article has as its focus a video and enriching dialogue rather than ta ext. NIU NOW: Reconnecting to the Tree of Life looks at the efforts by a grassroots group in Hawai’i tackling…
by Tarunjit Singh Butalia
Many who have had the opportunity to attend a Langar (a Sikh word for “open kitchen) surely have fond memories of the incredible hospitality we experienced.
by Kay Lindahl
What is a beloved community? How do we become a beloved community? For the past four years our church has been intentional about engaging with these questions. This is the story of our journey so far…
by Diana Whitney
I was in India, teaching Appreciative Inquiry and leading a leadership retreat with colleagues Dinesh Chandra and Anil Sachdev, when one of my co-founders of the Taos Institute…
by Betsy Woodman
The news, 24 hours a day of it, is by turns heart-rending, enraging, and depressing. School shootings. Climate crisis. Senseless war. Divisive politics. “When will they ever learn,” went the…
by Paul Andrews
Art and culture are the treasure houses of our deepest dreams - not the fleeting dreams of power and empire, which can never satisfy what is best in us, but our deep soul-dreams, from which generation…
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Header Photo: Rare Gallery
From Sudan to Chicago or Shanghai, defining, enjoying, and sustaining a blessed community is a tough assignment. Since humans became human, we’ve hungered for a thriving, protective community…
by Paul Chaffee
Reaching Out for Goodness Sake – The Ethical Struggles We Share – In Memoriam

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ICNY's Interfaith Matters Blog
ICNY's Interfaith Matters Podcast
The Next Parliament: August 14-18, 2023 in Chicago, IL
A Religious Response to Violence
Our Muslime Neighbor Initiative
Interview with Henry Yampolsky
Practicing Spirituality with Native Americans
Practicing Spirituality at Work
Announcing URI's New Executive Director: Jerry White
by Audrey Kitagawa
Thank you, everyone for joining in this 9th annual interfaith Service of Remembrance and Gratitude. During the annual UN Commission on the Status of Women, this particular…