By Rev. Bud Heckman

You hopefully enjoy the news, profiles, and events that are included in each month’s special edition of The Interfaith Observer (TIO), called the Religions for Peace Connect.
The best thing about it? TIO is offered free. But, obviously, it is not free to make it. Even with top flight writers and administrators who volunteer their time and talents, it costs to produce this movement-building newsletter. As a result, we are dependent on the generosity and goodwill of our readers.
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By reading, you are engaged in and educated about specific issues that are pertinent and topical to the interfaith movement. You have seen interviews with and editorials by top religious leaders, as well profiles of RFPUSA member religious communities. And you have been informed of events and developments throughout the movement to advance inter-religious cooperation. Please consider a contribution today to keep this publication going. Your contribution is 100% tax deductible.
We look forward to continuing these vital issues of Connect, if you have any questions or comments regarding these special editions, please contact associate director Aaron Stauffer.
Rev. Bud Heckman, Executive Director