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Rev. Bud Heckman

The Art of Interfaith Cooperation and the Science of Data

The Art of Interfaith Cooperation and the Science of Data

by Bud Heckman

There is something to be said for following your gut. But sometimes those instincts are nothing more than following your own biases and perspective on the world. They reinforce frames that don’t necessarily challenge or change anything.

Religious Leaders Agree to Resistance Agenda

Religious Leaders Agree to Resistance Agenda

by Bud Heckman

It is an understatement to say that America is in a very tense political situation. The rabble rousing of the political cycle and unpredicted election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States have brought to the forefront very difficult public discussions and challenging situations. 

Among So Many Interfaith Organizations, Why Religions for Peace?

The Special Role of RFP

Responding to Religion for Peace’s 9th World Assembly


Five Things Changing the Way Religions Interact

Report: A Season of International Interfaith Conferences

Support Religions for Peace Connect


Track II Diplomacy at Work: Religious Leaders Advance Korean Security


The $100,000 Question in the Interfaith Movement

How do we know when we have arrived in the interfaith movement?  When religious pluralism is normative?  When religious differences don’t cause conflict or even concern?