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Teilhard de Chardin – Envisioning a Unitive Evolution

Teilhard de Chardin – Envisioning a Unitive Evolution

by Marcus Braybrooke

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-55), a distinguished paleontologist, theologian, and visionary, held a unitive vision that covered a wide canvas. He tried through his writings to bring the worlds of science and religion together, believing their combined insights held the key to creating a greater sense of global community. 

How the World Came to Be (for Kids)

How the World Came to Be (for Kids)

by Vicki Garlock

The oldest, most common myth in human history is the creation story. These tales – hundreds of them from around the world, help transmit cosmological truths from generation to generation, regardless of whether they are taken literally or symbolically.

Celebrating Darwin: Religion and Science Are Closer Than You Think

We Need to Pick the Right Battle

A Review of The New Universe and the Human Future

Joyful Living with a New Narrative