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Eco-Dharma: Awakening to the Environmental Crisis

Eco-Dharma: Awakening to the Environmental Crisis

by David Loy

Interest in eco-dharma — the ecological implications of Buddhist teachings — is growing after years of apparent indifference and little conversation about it in Buddhist sanghas (communities). The environmental crisis has been in and out of headline news since at least 1992, when the first President Bush attended the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro

Sri Aurobindo: Proposing an Integral Evolution

Sri Aurobindo: Proposing an Integral Evolution

by Marcus Braybrooke

During times of violence and war, it can seem like humanity is on a downward slide. And yet there are those who look past the present state and envision something greater emerging. Such is the case with Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950).

Aśoka: Honour All Religions

Aśoka: Honour All Religions

by Marcus Braybrooke

“One should listen to and respect the religions of other people.” These words that Aśoka had engraved on rocks across his vast empire more than 2,000 years ago still need to be heard today. King Aśoka, the third monarch of the Indian Mauryan dynasty, was largely forgotten until early in the 19th century when a large number of edicts, inscribed on rocks and pillars, were discovered.

Dharma and the Death of My Father

On April 1,t 2004, my world turned upside down. I was rushed from the middle of a normal day at junior high school and was immediately brought to the hospital bedside of my father, who had just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. I remember walking into the four-occupant hospital room. The walls glowed with a melancholy yellow stain. I saw his face, which defined the word defeated. As a Japanese immigrant, raising a family of his own in a new country, I cannot imagine how he felt when he received his diagnosis.

Meditation is Not Religion or Spirituality – It’s Technology

An Interview with Jay Michaelson, Author of Evolving Dharma: Meditation, Buddhism, and the Next Generation of Enlightenment (North Atlantic Books, 2013)

Coming to Terms with Essential Terms

Parsing Vedanta, Yoga, and Dharma

Dharma in the Christian West

Christianity and Nonduality

The Necessity of a Hindu American Chaplaincy

A New Kind of Dharma Leadership