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TIO's Library - Formatted, Catalogued, and Ready for "Check-out"

TIO's Library - Formatted, Catalogued, and Ready for "Check-out"

by Megan Weiss

I have always loved libraries. I worked at my hometown library for six years and at one point dreamed of becoming a librarian myself. Now this dream has come true, although in an unexpected way, since never once did I think I would be building a library from the bottom up!

Planning this Year for TIO 2.0

This month marks the fiftieth issue of The Interfaith Observer (TIO), and the time has come to take a breath and a break from ‘business as usual.’ For the next five months, from March through July of 2016, TIO will look back and gather the work by and about five of our most prolific writers, one a month. Next month, we will feature the work of Marcus Braybrooke.

Changes at The Interfaith Observer (TIO)

Editing TIO for the past five years has been a cascade of blessings for me, particularly being involved with more than 350 students, writers, and activists of all ages bent on creating a peaceful, diverse, inclusive global interfaith culture. I’m excited as ever about the coming year – with a few changes, TIO should become a better publication.

TIO Welcomes GTU as a New Partner

Dear Students, Faculty, Graduates, and Friends of Graduate Theological Union,

Mobilizing TIO – Outreach & Social Networking

Over the past year more than 120 writers have made contributions to The Interfaith Observer. Their essays are being sent out to 2,200 subscribers each month in the flash of an eye – no paper, no ink or postage, no waiting, but silently delivered to electronic mailboxes around the globe. Want to make movies? Searching for Sugar Man, a deeply satisfying intercultural film playing in theaters today, was shot on an iPhone and edited on a laptop!

TIO in Canada

This month TIO begins a monthly feature, “TIO in Canada,” edited by Terry Weller, who lives outside of Toronto and adds this to the responsibilities he already has as TIO’s assistant editor.

TIO at the American Academy of Religions

For anyone interested in religion, the American Academy of Religion annual meetings are an embarrassment of riches. What was new in San Francisco this year as 10,000 scholars, students, publishers, and advocates gathered was the unprecedented presence of interfaith studies. Professor Diana Eck from Harvard’s Pluralism Project, who served as president of AAR 2005-06, helped legitimize interreligious studies academically. Five years later the progress is encouraging for anyone interested in bridge-building among religious, spiritual traditions. Interfaith workshops, panels, and receptions punctuated the all four days of meetings last month.

Looking Back at TIO’s First Year

Gratitude is the word underlining The Interfaith Observer’s first year. Dozens of people have gone out of their way since January 2011, when TIO was no more than a dream, to make TIO a unique publication systematically exploring a set of issues critical to humankind’s future.

TIO In 2012

The December 15 issue will explore all sorts of issues, a practice we’ll continue every other month in 2012 (February, April, June, August, October, and December). These ‘even’ month issues will continue to feature news and reports, interfaith opportunities, major events, and religious calendars.