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The Space Between Us

The Space Between Us

by Maij Vu Mai

What is religious pluralism to the Survivor? To the one who’s lost faith in themselves? Lost faith in other people? Lost faith in humanity? To the one who’s lost faith in their ability to connect because…

Where the Divine and the World Swirl and Dance

When I was ten years old, a man who owned a small record label wanted to sign me after hearing me sing at a talent show where I went to school with his daughter. My Pentecostal Christian stepmother, bless her heart, was adamant that a gift like mine should only be “used for The Lord, not for the world.” My family moved shortly thereafter, alleviating me from facing the theological dilemma she’d imposed.

Coming Out in the Muslim Community

One of the greatest heartbreaks in my life occurred after coming out at the age of 24: I lost my Muslim community. After my public coming out, via an article in The Los Angeles Times, and the backlash that came with it, I retreated. I distanced myself from the people I cared about, the people I’d been raised with in the masjid in Los Angeles, those whom I viewed as extended members of my own family. I was certain that they had stopped caring about me. It took me years to take responsibility for my part in that break rather than only see myself as a victim of circumstance.

“Like sunshine in the darkest abyss I’ve ever experienced.”

Breaking Through for the Sake of Love

Quranic Values as an Inspiration for Gay Marriage

Revisioning Islamic Same-sex Relations

Buddhism and Same-Sex Sexuality

Refocusing the Issue

Including LGBTQ Voices in Interfaith Work

Including LGBTQ Voices in Interfaith Work

After All the ‘Others’

Need-to-Know Resources for LGBTQ Young People

You Are Not Alone

Tablet of Stone

What Fifth-graders Learn from Good Teachers

Three LGBT Jews Share Their Journeys

How It Gets Better

Why I Decided to Come Out as a Gay Priest

No Longer Anonymous

The Global Divide on Homosexuality

The Challenge Facing Inclusivity

I Do Gay Marriage

Finally, Goodness Affirmed

Employment Non-Discrimination Act 2013: The ‘T’ In LGBT Protections

Ignoring the Transgendered

Study Says Gays Find Most U.S. Faiths Unfriendly

The Continuing Challenge

Helping Religious Families Support Their LGBT Children

Profiling the Family Acceptance Project

Minnesota Marriage Equality: Top Ten Reasons this Victory Is So Sweet

Multifaith Action Paves the Way

Religious Freedom, Meet Secularism — Your Best Ally

In what could go down as one of its most notable reckonings of the era, the Supreme Court heard arguments next week in two major gay marriage cases. As the advocates and justices prepare to spar over California’s Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act, important constitutional principles had a much-needed day in the sun.

Foreword to Faithiest: How an Atheist Found Common Ground with the Religious

There is a moment in the middle of Faitheist that nearly took my breath away. Chris is living in Bemidji, a small town in northern Minnesota near the headwaters of the Mississippi river. The nearest big city is Fargo, and it is several hours away. In the winter, the snow piles up so high he can’t see out of the bedroom window in his garden apartment.

Boomers & Millennials Compare Interfaith Action

What does it mean to “mobilize” a movement for social justice in the Internet Age? The word “mobilization” has strong associations for the Boomer Generation, when organizing hundreds to march, rally or take part in a sit-in was the visible manifestation of social justice activism.